A Small Business with Big Goals
It is always lovely when people get in touch to say how much they love my illustrations. So, when an email, subtitled 'Flow magazine Feature' popped up in my inbox, I was absolutely chuffed to bits.

As with any magazine, they work to a pretty tight schedule. The art director at the German Flow Magazine wanted to use one of my illustrations and needed it ASAP. When an opportunity like this comes up, grab it with both hands and don't dilly-dally. If you miss the email, or don't respond within a few hours, you may find that the chance has gone and they've moved onto someone else.

FlowMagazine.de July 2018 Edition

As an illustrator, I am often approached by individuals asking for me to illustrate something for free under the illusion of 'its great exposure'. Now not only does this undermine the illustration industry, it also doesn't pay the bills (this is a whole other journal entry). But there are times when you can choose whether or not to accept 'free' publicity. This for me was one of those times.

My Bicycle illustration featured in July's Edition of Flow Magazine

Flow Magazine is one of the top creative magazines, especially within the illustration field. With the likes of Bodil Jane, Kate Pugsley and Lisa Congdon creating covers, so I was honoured to have been asked to submit my illustration. It wasn't about money, but purely for the Kudos... and that's totally okay!

In my small creative world, this is a big achievement. It may not be a three-page spread or a front cover; It is however, my name alongside my drawing that is seen by hundreds of thousands of like minded people.

So no matter how tiny the feature, the achievement is HUGE!

1 comment
Well done Katy, they are pretty selective so that was a good opportunity to pursue! Hope you get some more opportunities from it. X